You're confident in your child's ability to manage her diabetes 1. She knows how to count carbs, measure her blood sugar levels and give herself insulin injections. But you're always around to back her up. Are you just as confident when she walks out the door to school? You can be, if you, your child and your child's school have a plan and work as a team.
Overview of Diabetes Care
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Many people struggle with acne their whole lives. Acne is not only embarrassing and unattractive, but it can also cause the person a lot of discomfort and pain. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to help manage your acne. Here are a couple tips.
1. Use Steroid Creams and Ice To Manage Swelling and Redness
Many times a side effect of acne is inflammation of the skin. This is because when you have an irritation on your skin, such as pimples, your body triggers the immune system.
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Appendicitis affects many people, in fact, statistics show that around 680,000 people in the United States have had this painful affliction. The number of incidents warrants that you do your best to prevent this ailment from afflicting you. This guide will help you naturally prevent appendicitis and a few early signs to watch out for.
Natural Preventative Measures
The following are a few ways that you can try to prevent appendicitis:
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Most people suffering with varicose veins will only have to deal with being embarrassed to wear shorts in front of other people. In most cases, varicose veins show up on the legs as a symptom of aging or long-term wear and tear, like standing for long periods of time at your job. However, some people may experience complications with varicose veins that could indicate a more serious condition. Find out whether or not you need to seek medical attention for varicose veins in your legs.
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Babies are at particular risk for the flu because their immune systems are not as well developed as that of adults. This is why many parents seek to get their babies the flu shot at the start of the cold and flu season. These commonly asked questions can help you decide whether or not your baby can have a flu shot and how else you can protect your baby this winter.
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