Protect Your Health: Tips To Reduce Your Risk For Colon Cancer

If you're at risk for colon cancer, now's the time to get proactive. Colon cancer is the third leading cancer diagnosis in the United States. In fact, there were over 100,000 new cases of colon cancer in 2022. Luckily, there are steps you can take to lower your risks. If you're not sure how to reduce your risk of developing colon cancer, read the list provided below. Here are four ways to help you protect your health, and reduce your risk of colon cancer. 

Schedule Your Screening

If you don't like getting screened for colon cancer, you're not alone. Many people try to avoid colonoscopies. But, colorectal screenings are one of the best ways to safeguard your health. Colorectal screenings can detect colon cancer while it's still in the early stages. That makes treatment more effective. Reduce your risk for colon cancer. Schedule your colorectal screening as soon as possible. 

Start a Healthy Lifestyle

If you want to reduce your risk for colon cancer, now's the time to get started on a healthy lifestyle. The changes you make to your lifestyle can reduce your risk for colon cancer. First, add more fresh fruit and vegetables to your daily diet. Second, reduce your intake of processed foods. Third, try to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Finally, if you smoke, talk to your doctor about a smoking-cessation program. These steps can reduce your cancer risks. 

Increase Your Exercise

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it's time to increase your physical activity. Daily exercise is great for your health. And, it reduces your risk for colon cancer. If you're not physically fit right now, you can start out slow. Add a brisk walk to your daily routine. Then, once you're used to that, you can join a gym. Your local gym has classes that you can join that will help you get fit. These steps help reduce your risk for colon cancer. 

Lose the Extra Weight

If you have some extra weight around the midsection, it's time to get that under control. Being overweight can increase your risk for colon cancer. That's why a good weight control program is so beneficial. If you're not sure how to lose the extra weight, talk to your doctor. They can help you create a weight loss program that will work for you.

Don't take chances. Use the tips provided here to improve your health, and reduce your risk for colon cancer.
