Answers to Common Questions Asked about Transcranial Magnetic Therapy
Transcranial magnetic therapy is a non-invasive medical procedure used to treat various mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. The procedure involves using electrical pulses to stimulate the neurons and specific sections of the brain. This magnetic energy mainly targets the areas in your brain which affect your mood. Thus, the doctor uses this therapeutic technique to improve your mood, which aids in treating depression. Many specialists agree that transcranial magnetic therapy is effective and a great innovation for the medical industry. This blog answers common questions about transcranial magnetic therapy.
How Invasive is the Procedure?
One of the reasons people decline some treatments is because they are invasive. This is because most people are afraid of surgical complications and the side effects that may arise after surgery. However, transcranial magnetic therapy does not require any surgery. The doctor will place a magnetic coil on your scalp and adjust it based on your head size before switching it on. The machine will send magnetic waves to the targeted areas in your brain to commence the procedure. Furthermore, the procedure will be painless, and you will be awake from the start to the end. The only inconvenience you will face is that you must remove all jewelry because it may affect the magnetic waves.
How Severe are the Side Effects and Will They Disrupt My Daily Functions?
Another benefit of transcranial magnetic therapy is that it has minimal side effects. After several sessions, you may experience mild headaches and a tingling sensation. However, you cannot compare these side effects with the ones you experience when using other treatment methods. For instance, you may experience various side effects, such as nausea, low libido, and headaches when you take some antidepressants. Ultimately, transcranial magnetic therapy is the ideal depression treatment if you do not want to deal with many side effects.
How Effective Is It and Can It Be Prescribed as a Substitute for Medication?
Some people do not like taking medications because they can easily forget to take them. Furthermore, some don't like taking medicines for privacy reasons. For instance, you may not want people to know you are suffering from depression; thus, you avoid taking medications because they may expose your illness. However, going for transcranial magnetic therapy eliminates the need for taking medications. You will only be required to book weekly sessions, which are sufficient to help you overcome your mental health issue. Additionally, unlike prescription drugs, this treatment can eliminate drug abuse cases. Transcranial magnetic therapy is effective, and you will start noticing various changes after several sessions.