Got Spider Veins? Here’s What You Need To Know About Laser Surgery
Sometimes they show up because of stress with pregnancy or weight gain, and sometimes they just seem like they make a pesky appearance for no reason at all. Spider veins can pop up anywhere from your thighs to your ankles, and everywhere in between, making you feel pretty self conscious about showing off your legs. There are a ton of home remedies that claim to help with spider veins and their appearance, but most do little to change those creeping bluish-purple lines etching their way across your skin. On the other hand, laser surgery for spider veins has proven to be quite effective. Here are a few things you may want to know if you are considering laser treatment for spider veins.
What type of laser is used for spider vein treatment?
For the treatment of small spider veins, the smallest medical laser will be used. The tiny laser beam is focused on the entry point where blood is being pumped through the tiny veins just beneath the skin. The surgeon uses the laser beam to create slight scar tissue to prevent blood from flowing to the tiny veins, which is what makes the veins visible at all. Once the spider vein has no blood supply, it will die out and hopefully completely disappear from sight.
Will the treatment process for spider veins be painful?
The treatment for spider veins with laser surgery is not a painful procedure for most people. Most patients only experience a mild stinging or burning sensation as the laser is being used. You may be given a mild local anesthetic to prevent you from feeling any twinges of pain or stinging during the treatment. After the treatment, you may have some mild skin discomfort, but will typically be able to resume your normal activities immediately after.
Are there any negative side effects to be concerned about after treatment?
One of the greatest things about laser surgery for spider vein treatment is that side effects are minimal. Some patients do see a slight difference in the color of the skin where the laser was used once the area is healed. The primary risk, which is still rare, is for there to be blood clotting within the spider vein itself or the feeder vein from where the blood was initially being supplied. This is usually indicated by swelling or pain in the surgery area, but is treatable. The more experience your surgeon has with laser surgery to remove spider veins, the less likely it will be that you have any negative side effects at all.
Contact professionals like Premier Surgical Associates for more information.