Tips For That First Flight With Your Oxygen Concentrator

 One of the most unique challenges about flying is taking things like health care equipment through security and onto the plane. If you're on a portable oxygen concentrator, for example, you'll probably have to have a formal letter from your doctor before you'll be allowed to bring it on the flight. Some airlines have their own form, but most will accept a letter written on your doctor's letterhead. Before you head out to the airport, it's important that you know what's required. Here are a few tips to help you get through security with ease.

What Do They Need To Know?

The process is easy when the airline provides you with a form to submit, but if you have to bring your own letter, you need to be sure that it's covering all of the essentials. Talk to your doctor about making sure that he or she provides everything the airlines need to know.

For example, the letter should detail what you actually need for oxygen supply. If you only need the oxygen at certain times, those times should be clearly explained. Alternatively, it should state that you need the oxygen at all times if this is the case. Your doctor should also clearly specify the flow rate that you require.

The letter should also include an overview of the warning alerts that can come from the concentrator. Along with the explanation of these alerts should come a statement that you are clearly able to recognize those alerts and understand how to respond to them..

Will It Affect Your Seat Placement?

In some cases, carry-on health care equipment will affect where you can sit on the plane. In the case of an oxygen concentrator, the airline may adjust your seat to ensure that you aren't in an exit row or to put you in a seat where your concentrator can be easily stowed where it is visible. Putting it under the seat in front of you may make it easiest to see any warning or alert lights.

Do You Need to Stock Up on Batteries?

Since access to electrical outlets in the passenger cabin of the plane is unlikely, most airlines request that you bring plenty of batteries with you. The goal would be to have enough batteries to power the concentrator for the entire duration of the flight as well as several hours beyond that. This way, you have enough power for gate time, takeoff and landing. In addition, you should bring some extra batteries to cover you in case of any flight delays.

When you pack batteries for your concentrator, make sure the terminals are covered so that they cannot come into contact with anything in the bag. The concentrator and batteries are considered medical equipment, so they aren't considered as carry-ons in your luggage limitations from the airline. They will, however, have to be evaluated by security.

If you are traveling with an oxygen concentrator for the first time, these tips can help you understand how to make the process easier. People fly with health care equipment all the time, so it's likely to be much easier for you than you might think. Contact a business, such as Medi-Rents & Sales Inc , for more information. 
