A Prepatory Plan To Maximize Liposuction Results
Liposuction is a brilliant surgical procedure for getting rid of stubborn fat from targeted areas on the body. No matter how hard you hit the gym or how many calories you cut, sagging fat in the arms, chest, belly, or rear end could simply refuse to go away. This fat ends up undermining the symmetry of your body. Rushing to have liposuction performed, however, might be ill-advised. Instead, investing some time to naturally eliminate fat prior to the procedure could ensure the surgery delivers the best results.
Facts About Liposuction
When the doctor consults with patients about undergoing liposuction, he or she will note that the surgery is not a form of weight loss. Rather, liposuction is intended to spot reduce weight from a chosen area. In general, the maximum amount of fat removed from a physique is 10 lbs and doctors will often remove much less to ensure the operation is less risky.
Doctors also look for
Undergo a Physical
Before trying to drop a lot of fat before the surgery, have a complete physical performed by a doctor. This way, you will get a proper reading of your health prior to taking part in a workout program. Once you have a better understanding of your current physical condition, planning an appropriate workout strategy becomes easier.
To maximize your fat loss potential, consider it best to work with a personal trainer for several weeks prior to the surgery. The trainer could put you through a high/moderate/low impact workout that cuts down on as much stored fat as reasonably possible. Remember, the more excess fat you burn before the surgery, the more dramatic the results of the fat extraction procedure end up being.
After 90 or so days of a good diet and weight loss program,