Four Things Patients Should Know About Neurofeedback Therapy

Different types of therapy can be used to treat mental illnesses and brain injuries. Talk therapy can be an effective treatment for many mental disorders. However, sometimes talk therapy alone is not sufficient to resolve certain issues. Patients who are resistant to other types of treatment may want to try neurofeedback therapy. This type of therapy is typically administered by a neurologist. Here are four things patients should know about neurofeedback therapy:

1. It Is an Alternative to Medication

When talk therapy alone is insufficient, some people turn to medication to treat their mental disorders. Antidepressants, such as SSRIs and SNRIs, can benefit many people. However, some people find the side effects caused by these medications troublesome. Furthermore, some people do not receive the relief they need from these drugs.

Neurofeedback therapy can be used as an alternative to medication. During neurofeedback therapy, patients' brain waves are observed, and positive reinforcement is provided when brain waves fall within ideal parameters. This type of training program can accomplish many of the same things that medication can.

2. It Can Be Used to Treat Many Mental Disorders

Neurofeedback therapy is an effective treatment for many mental disorders. People with depression and anxiety can successfully retrain their brains using this method. Neurofeedback therapy can encourage patients with these conditions to develop slower brain waves, which can combat the unwanted symptoms of these illnesses. Neurofeedback therapy can also help people who have been diagnosed with ADHD. Encouraging fast brain waves in people with ADHD can improve their overall level of concentration and focus. This type of therapy can also benefit people who have been diagnosed with PTSD or epilepsy. If you'd like to know if neurofeedback therapy is an option for you, you can discuss the possibility with your mental health care provider.

3. It Is Noninvasive

Neurofeedback therapy is noninvasive, and it is not painful. During neurofeedback therapy, electrodes will be attached to your head. These sensors will be used to observe your brain waves throughout your therapy session. Positive feedback will be provided when certain criteria are met, which may include rewards in a game or pleasant noises in your headphones.

4. It Offers Long-Lasting Results

Some people complete neurofeedback therapy in as little as one month. However, the results of this therapy can last for much longer. Many people find that they achieve lasting relief from their mental disorders after completing a course of neurofeedback therapy.

For more information about neurofeedback therapy, contact a licensed professional near you.
