4 Things You Didn’t Know About Chiropractors

Many people are skeptical about seeing a chiropractor for care. This is because there is a great deal of myths and unknown facts that surround chiropractic care that makes the interest in seeing a chiropractor somewhat null. This is why you should know these things about chiropractors that you may not have known previously that can spark your interest:  Chiropractors are Doctors: Many people believe that chiropractors are not doctors, however, this is not the case. Read More 

Training For A Marathon? Two Common Foot Problems To Be Aware Of

If you're training for a marathon, then you've likely increased your weekly running regimen. This is important to get your body in shape for the huge task of running the race, but it also puts an incredible amount of stress on your feet. An increase in the amount of mileage you run every week can lead to a variety of feet issues. If you keep watch of them and consult a podiatrist in time, you can avoid severe problems that will have you sitting out the race. Read More 

Physical Therapy Can Help With Proprioception Problems

Proprioception is your body's knowledge of itself. That means that you know where your body is in space and where each limb is and how it's functioning. That is what allows you to be balanced and agile as you are walking. Your proprioception is an unconscious thing, and is caused by several different sensors in your body. However, not everyone really has good proprioception. Those people have problems with walking and other issues. Read More 

Three Ways To Cope And Act After A Glaucoma Diagnosis

If you've just found out you have glaucoma, you may be worried about how your life will be affected from now on, and whether you're going to have to give up any of your hobbies, your job, or even some independence. Life with glaucoma is certainly different, but depending on when your ophthalmologist caught the disease, you could find that you can continue doing most, if not all, of what you like to do. Read More 

Helpful Information About Epilepsy

Have you noticed that there is a lot of involuntary jerking in your arms and legs lately? You might want to make an appointment with a neurological specialist as soon as possible, as the problem you are experiencing is one of the symptoms of epilepsy. Find out in this article what you should know about epilepsy so you will know what to expect if you are diagnosed and treated for it. Read More