Five Subtle Signs Of A Neurological Problem That Patients Often Overlook

Diseases that affect the nervous system, from multiple sclerosis to brain tumors, can be devastating. While each neurological disease does have its unique qualities, they all have one thing in common: the earlier the condition is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat or manage. The problem is, many early signs of neurological conditions are pretty subtle and easily overlooked. So, patients don't realize anything is wrong or think to see a doctor until the condition is more advanced. Read More 

3 Keys To Medical Cannabis

In order to get the healing that you need for a number of ailments, be sure that you look into medical cannabis as a treatment option. By taking advantage of this sort of medicine, you're giving yourself access to healing that is natural and unparalleled in many different ways. To learn a little bit more about taking cannabis as a way to heal, read on and use the tips below to get the service you are looking for. Read More 

Worried About Your Bones? 3 Ways To Reduce Your Risk For Vertebral Fractures

If you're over the age of 30, you're at an increased risk for osteoporosis. That's because your bone density peaks at around that age. After that, your bones begin to lose density and become weaker, which increases your risk of developing vertebral fractures. Vertebral fractures lead to a curving of the upper back and increased pain. Unfortunately, there is no cure for vertebral fractures, although treatment is available for the condition. Read More 

What Unexpected Health Conditions Can Harm Your Hearing?

If you've begun to notice your hearing isn't what it once was, you may assume you're finally reaping the consequences of too many loud concerts in your teens or twenties. However, while exposure to loud sounds can damage some of the delicate components of your middle and inner ear, there are a number of illnesses and chronic conditions that can manifest themselves in hearing loss, from Lyme disease to allergies or even kidney disease. Read More 

How To Treat Blepharospasm With Botulinum Toxin Injections

Blepharospasm is a condition of the brain that affects your vision. It is a progressive neurological disorder that causes spasms and involuntary muscle contractions. This condition causes an increased frequency of how often you open and close your eyelids. The average adult blinks at a rate of 10 to 20 times per minute. A person with blepharospasm has to deal with twitching and repetitive movements in their eyelid muscles. If you do not find a brain condition treatment, then it could lead to severe visual impairment. Read More