Three Ways To Cope And Act After A Glaucoma Diagnosis
If you've just found out you have glaucoma, you may be worried about how your life will be affected from now on, and whether you're going to have to give up any of your hobbies, your job, or even some independence. Life with glaucoma is certainly different, but depending on when your ophthalmologist caught the disease, you could find that you can continue doing most, if not all, of what you like to do. However, it does take some care and vigilance. Here are three ways to cope and act after a diagnosis to help make your life a lot easier.
Follow Care Instructions to a T
Glaucoma's progression can't be reversed -- but you can stop it from getting worse in most cases. That means if you find out about the glaucoma diagnosis before you suffer noticeable effects (through routine testing, for example), you could prevent any effects from occurring. But that means you have to follow any and all care instructions perfectly. If your ophthalmologist wants you to get an eye stent, for example, do so. If you feel unsure about procedures like that, get a second opinion, but if you find all of the professionals you see are advocating for the stent, get it. Follow a healthy diet and take all medications as directed by your doctor. Treatments are so much better now, and you stand a good chance of retaining the sight you still have.
Arrange for Accommodations or Modifications Immediately
If you have noticed effects from glaucoma, immediately get to work on arranging for modifications and accommodations. Make the transition from living without glaucoma to coping with its effects as easy as possible. Get occupational therapy, if that will help, so you can continue to work. If there are additional lamps or assistive devices that will help, check them out. Don't try to struggle with the effects you currently have. Working with them and accommodating them will be a lot easier in the long run.
Get Organized
Now is the time to clean up, declutter, and assign everything its place. Even if you're not experiencing effects of glaucoma now, if something happens (for example, not following care instructions) and your sight gets worse, knowing where everything is and where everything goes can make your home and work life a lot simpler. This is a strategy many visually impaired people use so that they can move about and use items in their homes and workplaces independently. Get your organizational system in place now so that any future issues are easier to deal with.
If you have more questions about glaucoma and coping strategies, or devices such as eye stents, talk to an ophthalmologist like those at Country Hills Eye Center. While glaucoma is certainly not something to brush off, it is no longer a totally untreatable condition in many cases.