Helpful Information About Epilepsy
Have you noticed that there is a lot of involuntary jerking in your arms and legs lately? You might want to make an appointment with a neurological specialist as soon as possible, as the problem you are experiencing is one of the symptoms of epilepsy. Find out in this article what you should know about epilepsy so you will know what to expect if you are diagnosed and treated for it.
What Causes Someone to Get Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a disorder that causes problems for the nervous system. Basically, you can experience multiple seizures during a day when you have epilepsy. Some of the causes of epilepsy include brain trauma, withdrawal from drugs, stroke and a variety of other conditions. There are various symptoms that you might have during a seizure, depending on the type that you have. Besides jerking in your arms and legs, you might also experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, a stiff body, no response to noise, a lack of bladder control, head nodding and blinking eyes in a rapid manner.
How Can Epilepsy Be Diagnosed?
Getting diagnosed for epilepsy will begin with a specialist asking you about the medical history of your family in case epilepsy is genetic. The types of tests that will have to undergo depends on what the specialists believes led to your epilepsy. You might have to undergo a blood test, spinal tap, computed tomography (CAT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). One of the main types of tests that is likely to be performed is called an electroencephalogram (EEG), as it is necessary for recording brain activity.
How Does a Specialist Treat Epilepsy?
There are a few different things that will determine how your epilepsy is treated if you are diagnosed with it, including your age, type of seizure you have, as well as the type of treatment that you are comfortable with (ins some cases). The goal of the specialist will be to bring your seizures to a complete stop, or prevent them from occurring so frequently.
One method of treatment is through consuming neurological drugs that can regulate your brain activity. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is another form of treatment for epilepsy, which involves a battery with wires on it in the chest wall where the vagus nerve is located. You can then control your seizures by putting a magnet above the implanted battery when you feel like you are getting ready to have one.
You don't want your condition to become worse by waiting too long to get diagnosed and treated. Contact a neurological specialist like Mohsen M. Hamza, M.D. so you can find out if you are suffering from epilepsy!